Helping new sound professionals navigate the industry with confidence and dignity. 

Mentorship for those who are serious about becoming a Production Sound Mixer (PSM), Boom Operator, or Utility Sound Technician (UST).


 Entering the world of professional sound can feel like being under siege. Having a mentor helps. 

We know what it’s like to navigate the sound and film industry without any guidance

— just a whole lot of pressure to not mess up. 

Film schools and trade schools do little to prepare graduates for the realities and demands of working on set. And when new sound professionals arrive, there’s hardly time for veteran professionals to answer questions, let alone offer career guidance and support. 

In our experience, this leads to a culture of sound professionals not feeling worthy of being taken seriously and not owning their immense contribution to the storytelling process.

We aim to change this.

Patrushkha Mierzwa,

Boom Operator & Utility Sound Technician

Most people in the industry know me as one of the first women Boom Operators in Hollywood. 

I’ve worked on a wide range of films throughout my career, including Spy Kids and Once Upon a Time In Hollywood.

In 2020, I wrote Behind the Sound Cart: A Veteran’s Guide to Sound on the Set, a book that bridges the gap between what students learn in school and what they need to know to work on set. 

Mark Ulano,

Sound Engineer & Production Sound Mixer

Over the past 40 years, I’ve worked as a Production Sound Mixer on films including Titanic, Inglorious Bastards, and The Hateful Eight.

I believe in the power of sound to move people and tell a story —

and that’s the perspective I bring to my work and want to pass down to the next generation of sound and film professionals.

Boost your chances for mentorship

We’d love to be able to mentor everyone, but unfortunately, we can only take a limited number of mentees every year. 

We look for someone who is ...

  • Enthusiastically pursuing their dream career in sound or film

  • Involved in film/sound communities and speaks the language

  • Clear about their goals, and are specific about what they want from a mentor

  • Already working in some capacity (entry-level, trainees, interns)

  • Familiar with the realities and demands of sound and filmmaking 

  • Considering a full-time career in sound!

“Your online class gave me the confidence to do an Amazon Western series as a 2nd Boom Operator!”

 Sound like you?